Current Projects

Current Projects

Hybrid Battlers

Hybrid Battlers is a 9-card solitaire push-your-luck brawler where players fight against a selection from 72 unique hybrids by rolling dice and activating abilities, and trying to gather as much strength on weapons as possible without getting out of control. This won 4th place in the most innovative mechanic on BGG in the 2023 9-card contest. Check it out here.


Outfished is a two-player game compromised of 52 cards. One player takes on the role of the Fish, who tries to rescue sets of fish while avoiding the traps set by the Angler, the other player. The Angler tries to capture the Fish and minimize the amount of fish rescued, and cook fish into recipes. This won 3rd place in the best 2-player category on BGG in the 2022 52-card contest. Check it out here.


Premember is an all-purpose message-scheduling app that can handle messages for birthdays, holiday wishes, reminders, and more. Available on the Google Play Store and coming to the App Store.

Rainbow River

Rainbow River is a family board game for 2 to 4 players. Compete over map pieces in an ever-shrinking board and attempt to create the best Rainbow River. This ran for a successful Kickstarter campaign, raising over one thousand dollars on November 5, 2021.


Islant is a roll-and write game for 1 to 99 players. It utilizes geometry knowledge, spacial awareness, and risk management for success and to create the perfect islands. Five distinct variants with unique rules and challenges are available. Entered in BoardGameGeek’s 6th Roll and Write Contest.

Download here.

Between the Lines

Between the Lines is a 9-card game about arranging cards with sets of different letters on each side to create unique words. Entered in BoardGameGeek’s 9-Card Contest.

Download here.


Numer is a 1-card deductive game for 2 to 8 players about guessing each player’s secret numbers. Entered in BoardGameGeek’s second One Card Contest.

Download here.

RC Race

RC Race is a speedy, short game that takes a minute to play as racers compete to match dice symbols to move both of their cars across the yard, all in one card. Entered in BoardGameGeek’s first One Card Contest.

Download here.

Past Projects

  • “Bombs” was my first board game, a math game I created in 4th grade.
  • I wrote a 30 page short story with the help of my sister in 6th grade.